Behind the Scenes: Our Protagonist Model

Rounding off to the final 'Behind the Scenes' post, we saved the best until last: Character Modelling. We will focus on the model of our protagonist for this little peek.

The creator of the model and team leader, Thomas, headed up the creation of our player. He began with a simple player, who was short and without much animation. This was mostly for testing purposed.

Evolving from this concept model, Tom thought toward a more interesting design. He kept the overall style, giving them a little more height, as well as some fancy cloth physics for their clothing.

Thomas expressed to us that he very much enjoyed the idea of a faceless protagonist. A kind of gender less, nameless being that acts allows the player to easily place themselves into the story and game play. Games such as Journey, Metroid or doom are some quality examples of a faceless protagonist.

Our New Protagonist Model!

Modelling this character was actually much more simple than you would think. After a quick bit of research, we found a simple way to create a stable looking cloak without too much hassle.

"Thankfully unity comes with a pretty reliable inbuilt cloth physics system, easy to use and easy to implement. Of course there’s a little bit of tweaking but it’s all pretty much there from the get go."

Here is a great example of what can be done with cloth physics in unity

This'll be the final 'Behind the Scenes' post, leading us into our mini-break (where most of us will still be working ;]). We'll be sure to fill you in on our work following this break, as well as some eventual information on a final release date!

Until then, thanks for reading. 

Get Mystic Veil: Tales of the Other Side

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